Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Introducing: The Beginner's Block

Today I launched my new blog page:: Beginner's Block. Here I listed some of the blog or web links that helped me in my crochet journey. I'm so excited about this. To be honest I'm not much of a bookmark person. I do not often use browser bookmarks and it's tiring to always search for the same topic on Google. The list of my favorite blogs here helped me with that. But I still want to refine my searching and put it in just one page. I don't want to write it in a notebook nor in a sticky note. I have a really bad habit. So I just decided to make a page on my blog for it! Yey! This will help me from time to time if ever I forgot something about stitching or if I forgot the website or blog post where I got this type of pattern or chart. Things like that.....It's like my backpack has gotten lighter. Now, wherever I go, I'd know where to find my things.

To go to the the Beginner's Block just click the first button on the upper right side of this page.....


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